Find and Fix the Gaps in Your Privacy and Security

A Privacy Impact Assessment (PIA) establishes your plan for compliant clinic operations, data protection, and privacy breach prevention across all aspects of your healthcare clinic.

Understanding Privacy Impact Assessments

A PIA is the process of examining how your clinic collects, uses, discloses, and disposes of protected patient information to establish administrative, physical, and technology safeguards that protect the data in your care against reasonably anticipated threats. 

In some jurisdictions such as Alberta, Canada, PIAs are mandatory for many healthcare professions. Privacy legislation around the world is evolving to require PIAs for all businesses. 


Often more than 300 pages long, a PIA is your team’s playbook for compliant policies and procedures designed to avoid privacy breaches in your practice and keep you, your staff, and your patients safe.

Get an Expert Assessment of Your Clinic’s Privacy Risk

Our thorough assessments and robust data protection strategies offer you a customized privacy framework that ensures all sensitive data is handled securely while maintaining compliance with privacy regulations. Here are some of the top reasons why you should choose Brightsquid to complete your PIA.

Healthcare Privacy Experts

With decades of collective experience in healthcare privacy and compliance consulting, our team shares a deep level of understanding in how privacy regulations apply to operations in dozens of clinic types and business settings.

Optimized for Your Clinic

We recognize that each clinic is different. With over 1,000 PIAs completed, our certified privacy experts apply their understanding of privacy regulations, PIA requirements, and industry developments to your situation so that your PIA fits your practice.

Comprehensive Approach

Our PIA services cover the full range of data processing and patient management activities in your clinic. Because our team supports clinics in breach investigation and reporting, we know vulnerabilities that are often overlooked.

Does Your Clinic Need a PIA?

Any clinic anywhere can and should complete a PIA.

Clinics in 11 disciplines in the province of Alberta are required by law to complete, submit and keep-up-to-date a Privacy Impact Assessment.The following professionals are required to submit a PIA to the Office of Information and Privacy Commissioner in Alberta.

Want to Know How Your Clinic is at Risk?

Book a call with our privacy experts to discuss your PIA process.